Friday, December 28, 2012

Distance Learning Reflection

Learners continue to embrace distance learning due to many factors of convenience attributed to synchronous and asynchronous learning formats.  In my opinion, distance learning advances an option for training and educating new learners; however, it will not totally replace face-to-face learning.  Generally, corporate industry chooses distance learning because it eliminates travel cost and quickly trains employees to be productive.  Schools in my area switch to the distance education format to reduce upkeep of facilities, equipment, technology, instructors, and support staff.  This post reflects on my perception of distance learning in the future, my suggestion to improve societies’ perception and learning experience through distance learning; and to explain how I can be a positive force for continuous improvement in the field of distance education.

Sieman (Laureate Education, 2012) reveals profound changes with interaction to include:  “increase in online communication; practical experience with new tools; growing comfort with online discourse; and ability to communicate with diverse and global groups.”  These signs lead me to believe that distance learning will have a dramatic impact on learning within the next 5 to 10 years.  First, public technical centers in my area have already rolled out total online learning for the GED program and business courses.  Teachers serve as facilitators of the asynchronous environment.  Benefits to school include enrollment of more students in a wider market; the ratio of teacher-students increases greatly because of technology management tools; and less upkeep of facilities, technology, furniture, and equipment are required due to students working from home.   Second, “the rapid rate of technological and social change.”  (Peters, 2007, p. 1)  Technological changes have opened-doors to learning on the go and in an informal way.  For example, society constantly uses mobile devices to look up information, a form of informal learning.  Educators have been slow to delivering instructional content accommodating learning with mobile devices.  However, with learners demanding change in the focus from traditional learning to distance learning; inevitably, formal learning will increase on technological advancements.
In 10 to 20 years, the increase in interaction advanced by the Triple Helix model (Laureate Education, 2012) of government, higher education schools, and corporate industry will change the market of learning as well.  Currently, distance learning courses include surcharges for technology, as in the case with the State of Florida (Scott, 2012) pondering expansion of online courses, which means higher course fees.  The state also considers skepticism of the public’s response to online courses assumes a flaw in the delivery of instruction. 
My thought would be that a majority of students will participate in distance learning formats because improved technologies will eventually reduce cost associated with the design and development of learning experiences.  In less than 20 years, I visualize distance learning as the preferred format made available to learners.  On-the-Job already is the most expensive instructional format, but face-to-face will be rare and a more expensive learning format in the future. 

Perceptions of  Distance Learners
My role would be to include interaction that engages and support new knowledge.  Use of multimedia such as two-way video could increase linkage among learners and the instructor.  In contrast, a synopsis of interviews recently taken with individuals in regards to their perception of a distance learning format, revealed feelings of isolation with distance learning.  My job as the instructional designer would be to provide advance training and resources to facilitators that foster a learner-centered environment. 
Continuous Improvement
To be a positive force for continuous improvement in the field of distance education, I must work as a team player to build unique learning opportunities.  Instructional designers (ID) that apply a systematic approach to developing and designing learning experiences only reflect one perspective.  A minimum trio of three professionals brings about “materials that are usually much more complete and effective (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, & Zvacek, 2012, p. 173).”   Combining expertise of key players brings about a uniqueness of ideas.  My goal would be to apply sound effective design principles along with collaboratively planning activities which learners become active participants.

In closing, distance learning will continue to be an economical favorite among stakeholders.  As technologies improve, it will win the younger generation over to its format especially since learners grow with changes.  Although educators tout writing skills as a way for students to interact on a higher level, future distance learning formats should look toward the inclusion students with limited writing skills, those deemed not ready for distance learning. 

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2012). Future of distance learning. [With Dr. Michael Siemen] [video]. Baltimore, MD.

Peters, K. (2007). m-Learning: Positioning educators for a mobile, connected future. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 8(2), 1-17.

Scott, T. (2012, December 17).  Florida board weighs major expansion of online college courses.  Sun-Sentinel.  Retrieved from,0,5671887.story.

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2012). Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of distance education (5th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson.

Vonderwell, S., Liang, X., & Alderman, K. (2007). Asynchronous discussions and assessment in online learning. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 39(3), 309-328.

Sunday, December 16, 2012



You may consider converting a face-to-face course to a blended online learning format because of convenience, cost factors, an increase in enrollment, or reaching an audience beyond your community.  It sounds great and looks easy because technology could wipe away the need for human interaction; however, this could be furthest from the truth.  Dumping face-to-face technology on a server, known as shovelware (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, & Zvacek, 2012), does not constitute quality distance education for all.  Quality training online requires much preparation.  From an instructional design point of view, this post reflects upon best practices for converting face-to-face to a blended format.  The following questions address this issue:
  • o  What are some of the pre-planning strategies the trainer needs to consider before converting his program?
  • o  What aspects of his original training program could be enhanced in the distance learning format?
  • o  How will his role, as trainer, change in a distance learning environment?
  • o  What steps should the trainer take to encourage the trainees to communicate online?

Pre-planning strategies the trainer needs to consider

Purpose for Blending

You get the “best of both worlds” by blending the formal and informal instruction as well as face-to-face and distance education.  By combing through the advantages and avoiding disadvantages aims to provide learners with quality learning experiences.  “Blended approaches engage learners in different but supportive face-to-face and CM activities that overlap in time.” (Sethy, 2008, p. 38)   Piskurich (Laureate Education, 2012) explains that the blended model represents the most effective instructional plan.  Graham (n.d) denotes six considerations as you plan for blended learning:

  • o  the role of live interaction,
  • o  the role of learner choice and self-regulation,
  • o  models for support and training,
  • o  finding balance between innovation and production,
  • o  cultural adaptation, and
  • o  dealing with the digital divide.

Determine What Works

Determine what parts of the training best fits the face-to-face or online format.  Allow considerable time for designing the new format.  The goal is to reduce mishaps by the elimination process through “trial and error.”  Below you will find steps recommended by Simonson, et al. (2012) as part of the thoughtful process for planning the blended learning format.

  • o  Retool the content making with visual stimulants sequenced for maximum impact on learning.
  • o  Check each module and look for ways to reduce mundane reading by using charts, graphs, tables, and graphic organizers.
  • o  Replace task requiring learners to regurgitate the textbook with interactive activities.
  • o  Plan activities involving collaboration using discussion forums, blogs, or videos.
  • o  Plan for unexpected technical problems. 
  • o  Provide alternative means of accessing student material.

Consider the Audience

Switching to a blended learning format may be beneficial to training organizations; however, how does that affect the learner?  Connect with the subject matter expert to find out who learn background information about the audience.  What are their ages, grades, social environment, socio-economic background.  Also, what are their strengths and weakness common in their area?  If students mainly come from families from Silicon Valley, they could be well integrated with the high-end of technology comprehension. This leads to learning more about the abilities of the class.  Make a connection with students by surveying their characteristics.  Finally determine if the learner understand their role as a participant of the blended learning format to include orienting context, determines the purpose for the student registering for the course; instructional context, uses feedback to determine the best time to accommodate face-to-face meetings; and transfer context, what information does the student want to walk away with by participating in the course.  (Simonson et al., 2012) 

Think about the Content

Re-examine all parts of the content especially the goals and objectives.  Connect with the SME to determine if it aligns and is appropriately sequenced for the intended outcome.  Then design meaningful activities to help students to with the separation of teacher.

Impact of Separation of Teacher
  • o  Be mindful of issues relevant to time the linked with course delivery.
  • o  Distance lessens a teacher’s ability to monitor learner by observations and with direct eye contact.
  • o  Perception of materials may be limited.
  • o  Rethink current interactions to fit the distance learning environment.


The online learning environment requires spontaneity.  Face-to-face course usually include content then a multiple choice or essay type question for assessment.  As an alternative, include authentic assessments with rubrics to guide student as to the expected learning outcomes. 

Enhancement of the training should be based on good instructional design, which follows a systematic approach.  Bates (Simonson et al., 2012) lists 12 “golden rules” for improvement to courses presented in a distance learning environment.

Fundamentals of Teaching Online:

  •  Avoid transferring current course content onto a course management system (CMS) without revision.
  •  Organize and schedule the course with clear content and expectations.  Spread thorough instructions aligned to objective in a systematic manner.
  •  Inform students of upcoming topics and due dates through announcements or email.
  • Align activities with the course outcomes.
  • Design assessment reflecting real-world applications.
  • Incorporate mash-up technologies.  Integration of the Web 2.0 tools used informally may be channeled for learning with autonomy.
  • Apply the principle of adult learning.


Use the Unit-Module-Topic (UMT) Model (Simonson et al., 2012) as a guide to sequence lessons.  It provides clarity as the learner maps out their approach to learning the content.


The role of the trainer changes in the blended format from teacher-centered to student-centered.  To do so, trainers develop instruction to empower active learning.  The trainer works differently in the online format.

Simonson et al., (2012)


In an asynchronous online format, teachers must have a comprehensive syllable already prepared expressing the structure, expectations, assignments and assessments associate with the course.  It communicates the roles teacher and student play to achieve the learning outcomes.  Interact with students often to ensure pacing and to guide student toward the weekly learning outcomes. 

Trainers should also communicate with students through discussions, announcements, email, the chat room, and by telephone if necessary. 

Simonson et al., (2012)


  1. When using a course management system, plan using a storyboard to provide a clear flow of your ideas.
  2. Create a site map for the website and be use the learner can move forward and backward without mishaps.
  3. On the CMS, be sure that all links works.
  4. Be sure that students can meet the bandwidth requirement to upload files.
  5. Include an alternative method for students to access course material in case of complications.
  6. Be mindful of copyright laws pertaining to videos and printed material.
  7. As the trainer, familiarize students with the course management system and establish housekeeping rules the first day.
  8. Separation between student and teacher means warrants that you take a survey at the beginning to get to know your students.
  9. Plan the assessments before designing the module.
  10. To avoid “the kiss of death” for your course, be sure to include “authentic assessments, goals, timelines, and inquiry. (Simonson et al., 2012, p. 201)” 


Graham, C. (n.d.). Introduction to blended learning.  Blended learning systems:  Definition, current trends, and future directions.  Retrieved from

Laureate Education, Inc. (Producer). (2012).  Planning and designing online courses. [With Dr. George Piskurich and Jacqueline Chauser] [video]. Baltimore, MD.

Sethy, S. (2008). Distance education in the age of globalization: an overwhelming desire towards blended learning. Retrieved from

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2012). Teaching and Learning at a Distance: Foundations of distance education (5th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Impact of Open Source

This week’s application focuses on the use of Open Course websites for distance learning.  Resources for Massive Online Open Courses (MOOC) present reusable courses, once conducted with a synchronous group, in an available asynchronous format for curious learners to acquire the knowledge desired.  Open Courses may or may not be linked to an instructor or tutor.  Learners signing up for courses within a designate time frame may have a facilitator and peers for collaboration.  This review analyzes the course, Introductions of Video Game Studies, found at MIT OpenCourseware.  Fernandez-Vara  (2011) designed the course which introduces “the interdisciplinary study of videogames.”  The analysis responds to the following questions:  1) Does the course appear to be carefully pre-planned and designed for a distance learning environment?  2) Does the course follow the recommendations for online instruction as listed in your course textbook?  3) Did the course designer implement course activities that maximize active learning for the students?
Pre-Planning and Design
First, the designer appears to have eliminated most “trial and error preparation (Simonson, Smaldino, Albright, Zvacek, 2012, p. 153)” for this Open Course by considering the audience in the pre-planning process.  Understandably, participants of the free resource become ineligible for access to a professor or peers, feedback with grades, and degreed credits.  The assignments consider that participants may not have contact with other learners.  One activity suggested connecting with a peer or to find a non-gamer outside the instructional context to analyze their experience.  The activities displayed opportunity for interactivity through the assignments.  Prospect of collaborating in groups appears fruitless due to the lack discussion forums, blogs, or v-logs and other communication tools.  The lecture notes connect to videos and images of concept maps relevant to key elements of the topic.  The entire course may be downloaded as an alternative working online. 
Model Recommendation
Next, in our textbook, Teaching and Learning at a Distance:  Foundations of Distance Education, Simonson et al. (2012) recommends following The Unit-Module-Topic Model.  This model steers designers with consistent guidelines for structured instruction.  Four guidelines were examined to explain this model:  unit-module-topic, assessment, content, and teaching.  In the first guideline, a semester equals 1 unit; a unit equals three to five modules; modules equal three to five topics and every topic results in one learning outcome.  This non-credit course does not state the number of units and lacks a distinct separation of modules.  It expands across 14 weeks with meeting two per week for 1.5 hours.  Lab sessions occur periodically for 3 hours.  Next, the assessment guidelines used for grading also show an organized table detailing percentages earned for learning outcomes.  Plus, the course inserts links to comprehensive expectations and hints handouts to reduce misperception of the final product.  Then, the online course presents only three of the five components of multimedia:  reading assignments, internet resources, and graphics.  Embedded videos, audio files, presentation slides, and chat features could be added to enhance learning.  Another disappointment comes with the teaching guidelines.  This model suggests a teacher-student interaction via email, discussion posts, and progress reports along with the coverage of one module per week.  The asynchronous format does not lend itself to teacher-student interaction.  Overall the course does not follow the recommendations presented.
Active Learning
Finally, active learning occurs when learners engage interactively with hands-on manipulatives.  The absences of authentic assessments, goals, timelines, and inquiry results in the “kiss of death (Simonson et al., 2012, p. 201)” for distance education.  The Introduction to Videogame Studies course certainly weaves engaging activities where participants acquaint themselves with featured video games to analyze focused elements.   The course considers the expert or novice gamer to spend 4 to 5 hours playing the game.   Participants familiar with the game actively coach a novice.  Those unfamiliar with the game seek someone familiar with the tool to actively play with as they gain experience in the learner’s role.  The instructor expects students to share novel points, not previously printed about the game.  Similar to the assignment described, the course incorporates engaging activities to maximize learning for students.

Fernandez-Vara, C., (2012, December).  Introduction to Videogame Studies.  Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare.  Retrieved from

Simonson, M., Smaldino, S., Albright, M., & Zvacek, S. (2012). Teaching and learning at a distance: Foundations of distance education. (5th ed.) Boston, MA: Pearson